Have Any Questions?
Shipping is free for all orders of 12 bottles or more. For order less than 12 bottles, standard courier rates apply. For the Western Cape, standard courier rates of R128 apply. Shipping to Gauteng is R227. For the rest of South Africa, standard courier rates of R309 apply for orders less than 12 bottles.
Your order will be processed the following business day, and collection by courier will take place soon thereafter. Delivery time will depend on your province or town but we aim to deliver your wines within 3-7 working days. Please note that we use external couriers so cannot be held responsible for delays caused by circumstances beyond our control. Public holidays and year-end Christmas season may affect delivery time.
Please contact us within 24 hours so that we can evaluate the reason for damage. Once evaluated, we will refund or replace the item. A photograph of the damaged exterior packaging, and/or the damaged bottle will be required in the evaluation.